Journey to Zermatt

Train journey to Zermatt

Take the train from the airport of your choice to Visp and change there to the Zermatt Bahn, which will take you directly to Zermatt.

Arrival by car and onward journey by train or bus

Park your car in Täsch and take either the train or the bus from the car park to Zermatt.

Park in the terminal
at the station:


Shuttle train

Shuttle tickets

Parking and bus
to Zermatt:

Parking ante portas

Zermatt is car-free. Access for private traffic is permitted as far as Täsch (5 km before Zermatt). The Täsch-Zermatt road is closed to public traffic.

Onward journey from Zermatt to accommodation

Take a taxi from the train station in Zermatt to the address of your accommodation.
Taxi Schaller: